A) Checklist: Multiple answer, one or more selections with checkboxes.

B) Matching: Matching items from one list to corresponding items in another list.

C) Multiple Choice—Text: Multiple answer options and presented as text.

D) Multiple Choice—Images: Multiple answer options presented as images.

E) Navigation: Simple navigation buttons, next and continue.

F) Poll—Short Answer: Single short answer text field, answers are collected for presentation to other users in the same course section.

G) Poll—Multiple Choice: Multiple answer, one or more selection with options presented as text and answers are aggregated for all users in the same course section.

H) Sequencing: Putting a list of items into the correct sequence.

I) Free Form Answer: Single large text response field.

J) Image Upload: Upload an image with an optional text description.

K) Survey: Combination of text multiple choice and free form answers. This activity is not related to student’s course completion.