A: Loading: The video is in play, but it is frozen. Check your internet connection here https://www.speedtest.net/. You need at least 5Mbs to have video play if not more. Make sure there is no heavy use outside of you playing the video.
B: Not showing up: Try opening the course in a different browser. If the video works, the other browser may need updating to watch videos. To check to see if your browser has been updated, https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/175292?hl=en.
C: Still not showing up: Try opening it up in its own browser, select the “Share” icon on the video, the paper airplane.
D: Again, still not showing up: Check with your school or parish admin, Vimeo may need to be whitelisted for viewing.
If further issues occur please contact Customer Care at at 800-533-8095.